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Most helpful questions
What happens if the email address I used for registration is not the official one?
If the email address used for registration is not found on your company’s official website or official social media profiles, your registration request will be denied. This is to ensure that all businesses on our platform are verifiable and legally compliant. Please ensure you use the correct official email address to avoid any delays in your registration process.
What type of email address should I use to register my business?
It is mandatory to register your business using the official email address listed on your company's official website or official social media accounts. This is crucial for verifying the authenticity of your business. Registration requests using any other email addresses that are not publicly available on your official channels will not be accepted.
Is there a time limit on how long my business will be available?
The businesses you add to are available indefinitely. There is no time limit for how long your business will be displayed on the site. It is important to add your business to our website to increase your online visibility and attract more customers. You can update the information about your business on the site at any time to ensure that it is as relevant as possible and to help potential customers get in touch with you.
What happens if I change my email address or phone number?
If you change your email address or phone number, you will also need to update the information on to reflect these changes. Go to your user account and update your business contact details to ensure that customers can contact you. It is important to regularly update your contact information on our website to ensure that potential customers can find your business and contact you to request the services or products you offer.
Can I promote my business on through other marketing channels?
Yes, you can promote your business on through other marketing channels such as social media or paid advertising campaigns. also offers additional options for promoting your business through premium services such as creating professional videos or photos for your business. You can also consider using our marketing partners to help you promote your business across multiple channels.